Ricordate la Kate Moss di Marc Quinn? Avete partecipato a qualche sua recente esposizione? Marc la cui ricerca esplora la relazione tra arte e scienza, tra corpo umano e la percezione della bellezza (citando il suo sito), si preoccupa anche che il suo lavoro sia a disposizione di tutti. Da 8 a 10000 euro, a questo indirizzo http://shop.marcquinn.com/potete comprare opere originali, poster, tatuaggi non permanenti, magliette originali Marc Quinn. Le stesse, ad esempio, che già ci avevano reso felici alla Fondazione Cini.
Citare se stessi è brutto ma chi si ricorda il Manifesto per l’arte commerciale può capire la nostra soddisfazione e perché li consigliamo.
Turning yesterday in a side street of a city in the north east , in a iperexpensive shop of furniture and design, we saw the new Maurizio Cattelan’s small productions: toiletpaper ( http://www.toiletpapermagazine.org/ ) . Toilet paper is primarily a magazine , The post dictateur , designed by Cattelan and Pier Paolo Ferrari . How Vogue says ” The irony and surrealistic touch of Mr. Joker – so it was defined Cattelan BBC website – are present in high doses, but there is also the perfection typical of the services of fashion , field , and acquainted Pierpaolo Ferrari. ” But in the window there were soaps , tablecloths , plates, all within a few Euros , of the same project.
Remember the Kate Moss by Marc Quinn ? Have you participated in some of his recent exposure ? Marc whose research explores the relationship between art and science, the human body and the perception of beauty (quoting her website ) , is also concerned that his work is available to everyone. From 8 to € 10,000 , at this address http://shop.marcquinn.com/ you can buy original works , posters, non-permanent tattoos , t-shirts original Marc Quinn. . The same, for example, we already had made happy at the Cini Foundation.
Quoting yourself is bad but who remembers the Manifesto for commercial art can understand our satisfaction and why we recommend them